Friday, September 14, 2007

A Million Little Resumes

Well. Today I went on my 3rd interview, now to HDR Inc. this morning, and I don't know why, but I feel exhausted. I mean is not like I did a whole lot today but I just can't explain why I am so god damn tired. Sheezh! Maybe I'm just getting old. But, I gotta thank Ashley for driving me there this morning and being there for me. I wish I could be half as supportive with her as she is with me.

So we get back to her apartment, and I change into regular clothes, and I just feel how my body crashes... aha! That's what It is! I'm crashing because of the coffee I had this morning! That's why!... maybe I should go make myself a sandwich or something. Anyways, so I started reading this book Ashley borrowed me: "A Million Little Pieces" and despite of all the facts that most of the book is a bunch of made up stories.. it still leaves you with a message and it still sends TO ME a message, a very clear message: THIS IS WHERE PEOPLE WITH ALCOHOL AND SUBSTANCE ABUSE END UP. And yeah, even though the narrative and the narrative description of his vomit and fecal matter, and expletive thoughts are sometimes a little too much, well my friends - so is life.
Sometimes Life can be too much.
Sometimes life can feel overwhelming.
And Sometimes Life hits you not once - but maybe three times at once, where it hurts the most. But there is always a message in the end: Stay strong, stay focused and believe in yourself. Because, if you don't believe in yourself - no one will.

So, with this said, I get up from this computer and I get on to search for more jobs. Send more resumes. Get more interviews. Don't stop until I get where I need to get: Employment.

Cheers my friends, and may God (or whatever your higher power is) be with you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats for your grad. It must have been a long, painful road to the start of your path to independance (or something like that)

Send my regards to angry liver.